Our History

1958: Foundation
IPTAR is founded as a Membership Society for analysts from all backgrounds.
1960: Regents of NYS
IPTAR receives its absolute charter from the Regents of New York State to train psychoanalysts.
1989: IPA
IPTAR is one of the first non-medical institutes to become a component society of the International Psychoanalytical Association: an international professional society and community of analysts with the highest standards.
1993: IPTAR Clinical Center
Evolving from IPTAR’s reduced fee psychoanalytic referral service instituted in the 1960’s, the IPTAR Clinical Center is formed to meet the community need for affordable, ongoing, high-quality mental health services, which had been unavailable for a substantial segment of the population.
1998: Respecialization Program
The Respecialization Program is created to allow individuals from all academic and professional fields, including the humanities, social sciences, education, law, medicine, and the arts, to pursue the study and practice of psychoanalysis.
2000: CAP
The Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program, a three year innovative program embodying contemporary psychoanalytic concepts in the training of professionals to work with children and adolescents, is begun.
2001: Intern-Externship Program
The Intern-Externship Program in Psychoanalytic Studies is established to offer a small number of doctoral students in psychology or social work the opportunity to become intimately acquainted with psychoanalytic concepts and how they are implemented in practice. This is a unique program in the field of available internship opportunities.
2002: Socio-Psychoanalytic Training Program
The Socio-Psychoanalytic Training Program in Organizational Consultation and Executive Coaching is begun, in which participants learn how psychoanalytic concepts can be applied to work-based consultation in the community.
2005: Diversity Committee
IPTAR creates a Diversity Committee charged with encouraging and facilitating dialogue and discussion in the IPTAR community on Otherness and Difference. IPTAR has a commitment to psychoanalysis as a progressive and inclusive movement and discipline, and the Diversity Committee was developed to further these goals.
2006: N.Y. Freudian Society
IPTAR becomes a co-sponsor, with the N.Y. Freudian Society, of the Anni Bergmann Parent-Infant Training Program. This program offers intensive training in parent-infant work to psychoanalysts and advanced candidates in psychoanalysis.
2006: Psychoanalysis and the Arts
IPTAR begins an ongoing program illuminating the relationship between Psychoanalysis and the Arts. This includes use of the IPTAR’s Conference Room as a gallery for art on various themes and a series of programs on film and psychoanalysis.
2006: NYS Licensure in Psychoanalysis
IPTAR was approved by New York State as a program leading to licensure in psychoanalysis for those outside the traditional mental health professions.
2008: SEVIS Program
IPTAR was granted permission by the United States (U.S.) government to train non-immigrant foreign students through its SEVIS Program. IPTAR begins to welcome candidates from around the world.
2012: Freedman Center for Psychoanalytical Research
The Freedman Center for Psychoanalytical Research is instituted by the Board of Directors. Commemorating the late Norbert Freedman and his contributions to the field of psychoanalytical research, this center coordinates, facilitates and promotes all of IPTAR’s current research activities.
2013: ICC, American Psychoanalytic Association’s Educational Achievement Award
IPTAR Clinical Center’s On-Site School Program was awarded the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Educational Achievement Award, which honors outstanding psychoanalytically informed work with educators and schools.
2015: The L.J.Gould Center
The L.J.Gould Center, named for Laurence J. Gould who was instrumental in designing and implementing Systems-Psychoanalytic ideas and training at IPTAR, begins offering a program in organizational consultancy and executive coaching.
2015: Integrated Track in Adult and Child Psychoanalysis
The Integrated Track in Adult and Child Psychoanalysis is founded. This program allows candidates in adult psychoanalytic training to have the option to simultaneously train in child psychoanalysis.
2019: The Hans W. Loewald Center
IPTAR joined with the Western New England Psychoanalytic Institute to establish the Loewald Center with the primary task of integrating the various psychoanalytic theoretical approaches.